
2024 Championship Winners

Red route
1st Paul Wareing
2nd Shane Harvey
3rd Stuart Walker
Green 50/50 route
1st James York
2nd John Holland
3rd Oliver Wareing
Green 50/50 youth
1st Lewis Harvey
Yellow Route
1st Andy Butt
2nd Martin Arden
3rd Peter James
Yellow Route Youth
1st Max Perry
2nd George Wareing
3rd Javier Jones-Rogas
Blue 50/50 Route
1st Nigel wright
2nd Ian Breakwell
3rd David Nourish
Blue 50/50 Route youth
1st Isaac Kinninmonth
White Route
1st Stewart Dickinson
2nd Micheal Smalley
3rd Chris Perry

Updated - as we cancelled our April trial, the championship is now 6 rounds, 5 to count.

The club will be running a championship during the 2024 season, the scoring events will be from 3rd March 2024 to 17th November inclusive excluding the August Susan Harris two day charity trial. This is a total of 7 events. Each riders best 6 results will be used to decide championship position.

Points will be awarded based on finishing position by class/route e.g. Expert - Hard, Clubman - Middle etc. as follows,

1st - 20, 2nd - 18, 3rd - 16, 4th - 14, 5th - 13, 6th - 12, 7th - 11, 8th - 10, 9th - 9, 10th - 8, 11th - 7, 12th - 6, 13th - 5, 14th - 4, 15th - 3, 16th - 2, 17th - 1

In the event of a tie for a position at each trial both riders will be awarded the same
number of championship points and the next finisher will be awarded the points for a
position lower. For example if two riders finish with the same score in 3rd place they
will both be awarded 16 championship points. The next finisher will be classed as 5th
and will receive 13 championship points. If three riders have the same score in 8th
place they will get 10 championship points each. The next finisher will be classed as
11th and be given 7 championship points.

Riders on each route or in each class are not forced to start at the same section and
although an ACU requirement that riders ride the sections in order this is not possible to police at a club trial. Therefore trying to separate riders on the same score by tie-
breakers is flawed which is why we will not be attempting to separate riders on the same score.

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